Arts Organizations Out of Office – Dealing with Changing Political Landscapes
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- Arts Organizations Out of Office – Dealing with Changing Political Landscapes
Arts Organizations Out of Office – Dealing with Changing Political Landscapes
In a changing political landscape and faced with today’s challenges, artistic activities are particularly vulnerable, partly due to explicit threats of violence and potential reductions in public cultural support. What happens if the cultural policy map is redrawn and the support that artistic organisations traditionally rely upon is suddenly withdrawn for ideological reasons? How do other cultural actors and the rest of civil society relate to a similar future scenario? How can we work proactively in a larger network and garner knowledge for new strategies and continue to work with the conviction that art is for everyone?
The network AOOO brings together self-organised and small-scale actors who work with contemporary art throughout the Nordic region. By meeting, exchanging experiences and knowledge, the network wants to find new strategies, create resilience and proactively work towards the abstract and concrete threats our activities face.
At the network’s first meeting, together with invited speakers, we will explore contemporary threats and contradictions in a Nordic and European context, as well as how public cultural policy influences the place and expression of art. The afternoon lectures are open to all.
Thursday 3 May: Network meeting 1 – How are we vulnerable?
13.00 – Introduction
13.15 – Igor Stokfiszewski, Krytyka Polityczna
14.00 – Calle Nathanson, Folkets hus & Parker
15.00 – Livia Pancu,
16.00 – IDA, (Institute for the Decolonization of Art)
17.00 – Discussion
Limited number of seats, submit to:
The following partners are currently part of the network: Konstfrämjandet (SE), Art Lab Gnesta (SE), UNICORN – Artists in solidarity (SE), Skånes konstförening (SE), Studio 17 (NO), MUU – Artists Association (FI), UKK – Unge Kunstnere og Kunstformidlere (DK). This network meeting is made possible with support from Nordic Culture Point, Konstfrämjandet, Polish Institute and Iaspis, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s for Visual and Applied Artists.
Caroline Malmström, +46 73 582 63 91,
Sebastian Dahlqvist, +46 76 187 00 50,