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IASPIS Open Studios Autumn 2024

Welcome to IASPIS Open Studios Autumn 2024! This bi-annual event is a unique opportunity to meet this autumn’s artists in residence.

For one day the artist are generously opening their studios and invite the public to hear about their practices and take part of their work in process. Join a programme of presentations, performances and conversations with the artist and invited guests.

Poster IASPIS Open Studios

Artists include Becca Albee (USA), Emelie Carlén (Sweden), Martine Flor (Sweden), Leif Holmstrand (Sweden), Xadalu Tupã Jekupé (Brazil), Göksu Kunak (Türkiye), Bror Ida Lennartsson (Sweden), Sara Lindström Lindhe (Sweden), Mounira Al Solh (Lebanon/Netherlands), Lauda Virginia Vargas (Dominican Republic/USA). Conversation Partners: Karin Bähler-LavérHendrik FolkertsYuvinka MedinaIsi de PaulaRoberto PeyreLina SelanderIsabella Tjäder.


1PM Doors open

1–4:30 Screening Programme with contributions by Becca Albee, Emelie Carlén, Martine Flor, Leif Holmstrand, Xadalu Tupã Jekupé, Bror Ida Lennartsson, Sara Lindström Lindhe, Göksu Kunak, Mounira Al Solh.

1:10PM Welcome address by Mika Romanus, Director General, the Swedish Arts Grants Committee (Foyer)

1–8 PM Sara Lindström Lindhe: A spatial collage featuring traces of processes spanning the past, present, future, and those still in progress. Includes video, objects, papers, fabrics, strings, light, sound and bodies. (Dance Studio)

1–4PM Xadalu Tupã Jekupé: Live work (Studio 4)

1:30PM Becca Albee in conversation with Yuvinka Medina (Studio 5)

2PM Martine Flor in conversation with Karin Bähler Lavér (Studio 3)

2:30PM Lauda Virginia Vargas in conversation with Roberto Peyre (Studio 6)

3PM Mounira Al Solh in conversation with Hendrik Folkerts (Studio 1)

3:30PM Bror Ida Lennartsson in conversation with Isabella Tjäder (Studio 2)

4PM Xadalu Tupã Jekupé in conversation with Isi de Paula (Studio 4)

4:30PM Emelie Carlén in conversation with Lina Selander (Studio 7)

5PM Göksu Kunak: INNOCENCE, a performative reading (part of a longer performance), duration 20 minutes. (Project room)

5:30PM Leif Holmstrand: Concert with Born Without Hands: a tattoo music performance starring Maja Darkest Karlsson, Samuel Martín, Leif Holmstrand (BWH), with Theodor Mejías Nihlén (being tattood) and Soledad Andrea Aznar (tattooer). Duration: 45–60 minutes. Activities will begin one hour before the performance. (Foyer)

5–8 PM Bar and Music (Foyer)

Conversation partners (in order of appearance):
Yuvinka Medina, Senior Curator Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm
Karin Bähler Lavér, Independent Curator and Artistic Director skēnē, Malmö
Roberto Peyre, Independent Creator, Educator, Producer, Curator and Activist, Stockholm
Hendrik Folkerts, Curator of International Contemporary Art and Head of Exhibitions, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Isabella Tjäder, Co-Director and Curator of Learning Index – The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation, Stockholm
Isi de Paula, Journalist and Literary Theorist, Researcher Comparative Literature Lund University
Lina Selander, Artist and Professor Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm

Soledad Andrea Aznar, Tattoo Artist, Stockholm
Theodor Mejías Nihlén, Sexologist, Malmö
Maja Karlsson, Musician, Malmö
Samuel Martín, Musician, Copenhagen

Graphic Design: Aron Kullander-Östling

The public programme schedule might be subject to changes