Frequently asked questions about the e-service
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- Frequently asked questions about the e-service
Here you can read about the most common problems that can arise in connection with logging in and filling in applications in the Swedish Arts Grants Committees´ e-service.
Try one of the following:
- Test your BankID here »
- If your BankID does not work, contact your bank.
- Check that your computer accepts cookies. Here you will find how you can make the setting on Safari.
- If you use mobile BankID, you must remember to start the BankID app on your phone, where you enter your password
- Choose to log in with an email and a password of your choice.
If you have logged in to My pages to create an application but have limited access or only see the “Requests” tab, then you have logged in with BankID without having a personal identity number registered in your account, or you do not have an applicant account. You must then first create an applicant account before you can start applying.
Read more on the application system’s support page.
If you are logged in to My Pages and there is an old email address registered in your name that you want to change, you may receive a message that there is already an applicant account with the new email address. You then need to contact the Swedish Arts Grants Committee at to merge these accounts.
This problem occurs when you used different email addresses in our old system and these have been exported to our new e-service.
It may be that your email account or computer is blocking pop-up windows and that is why you cannot verify. Sometimes it works if you test with your mobile phone instead. Please also look in the spam folder.
If it still doesn’t work please contact us and we can help you verify.
If you log in with BankID, your civil registration address is automatically retrieved. If you do not have an address in Sweden, the fields will be left empty, which means that you cannot progress in the application. You then need to tick that you do not have a Swedish personal identity number to be able to fill in your address.
If you do not get further in the form, it is because you have not filled in all the mandatory fields. The fields that are marked in red are the places that are not filled in or that may be filled in incorrectly.
If all the information is correct and it is still marked as red, it may be because you have spacing before or after the information, for example email address or account number.
If you are still unable to proceed, you can use the chat function in the application form (the chat bubble at the bottom left of the web window). There you can get answers to technical questions relating to your application.
I don’t see any fields to upload work samples
You must first select art form before uploading work samples.Why do I get an error message when I upload my work sample?
You have uploaded a file format that is not approved.The file you are trying to upload is larger than allowed.
My work samples are not visible?
When uploading large files, it may take a while for the file to appear on the screen. -
The system automatically sends out a confirmation by e-mail when the application is registered. If you do not receive an email, it may have been caught in your spam filter. But you can also see if your application has been submitted by logging into the e-service and looking under the “Submitted” tab.
Applications that you submitted in 2023 or earlier have been received in our previous application system. This means you need to contact us if you want a previous application sent to you.
If you have Swedbank with 5 digits in the clearing number, select “Swedbank och fristående Sparbanker” in the drop-down list of proposed banks.
If you have a personal account (personkonto) with Nordea, select “Nordea, Personkonto” in the drop-down list with suggested banks.
If you do not have a Swedish bank account, you must select “BIC/IBAN” in the drop-down list.