IASPIS – International Programme for Visual and Applied Arts
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- IASPIS – International Programme for Visual and Applied Arts
Jean Baptiste Béranger

IASPIS is the Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s international programme for visual and applied arts. It is aimed at professional artists in the field of visual arts and design with an artistic practice in, for example, visual arts, photography, design, crafts, illustration, textile art or architecture.
IASPIS’ activities include residency programmes in Sweden and abroad, public programmes in Sweden and internationally, publications, an archive, expert visit programmes, as well as regional and international collaborative programmes.
The programme aims to contribute in various ways to developing and deepening international contacts between practitioners, organisations, audiences and markets, thus contributing to artistic development and improved job opportunities.
IASPIS residency programme offers a place and time for artistic development, international cross-boundary meetings and the exchange of knowledge. The programme comprises twelve residencies in Sweden and nine abroad. In Sweden, there are nine places in the Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s premises in Stockholm and three that are organised in collaboration with local actors in Gothenburg, Malmö and Umeå. There are also a number of residencies abroad organised in collaboration with organisations around the world. In Stockholm, four residencies can be applied for by artists based in Sweden, the remaining five are for international artists who have their main activities outside Sweden. These are invited by IASPIS following proposals from artist colleagues, curators, critics and other actors in the field of visual and applied arts.
IASPIS public programmes highlight and discuss current issues related to practice, theory and the different fields of activity within visual and applied arts. The programme is presented both around Sweden and internationally and digitally via the IASPIS website, with lectures, seminars, screenings and other events. It is being developed by IASPIS in collaboration with Swedish and international partners. The purpose of the IASPIS public programmes is to link together the residency programme, expert visits and various collaborations and to make our activities available to a wider audience.
IASPIS publications highlight, illustrate and discuss practice and theory linked to the field of visual and applied arts. The purpose of these is to document IASPIS’ activities and make them more widely available. They often serve as a starting point for international collaborations and contribute to the visibility of Sweden-based artists internationally.
IASPIS expert visits are arranged to create meetings between Sweden-based artists and international actors such as curators, critics, writers or others with links to the field of visual and applied arts. There are two types of expert visits. One is organised by IASPIS following external proposals. The other enables curators and others to apply for funding from IASPIS to arrange a visit themselves. The aim is to contribute to broadening and deepening the artists’ networks and contacts and promoting international job opportunities.
IASPIS international collaboration projects are aimed at legal entities, such as associations and organisations, that want to promote internationalisation in the field of visual and applied arts in various ways. Collaboration projects can include, for example, residency activities and public events. Proposed project ideas are developed in dialogue with IASPIS. Collaboration projects are intended to be a complement to scholarships and grants that are given to individual practitioners. The collaboration projects aim to promote the development of new initiatives around Sweden.
IASPIS archive collects information and documentation about Swedish and international artists in the field of visual and applied arts, as well as IASPIS activities. The IASPIS archive is available in physical form at the Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s premises in Stockholm and digitally on the IASPIS website. The purpose of the archive is to collect and make available information about individual practitioners and documentation from IASPIS activities.
The purpose of IASPIS’ activities is to promote opportunities for professional artists to conduct, deepen and develop their artistic activities and to work to increase and develop artists’ international contacts and job opportunities.
Its mandate is based on the regulations that regulate the Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s tasks and grant disbursement.
The Visual Art Fund is the Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s decision-making group, that:
- prepares applications for residency stays
- prepares proposals for international studio grant holders
- prepares proposals for major international collaborations and new initiatives
General questions
+46 8-506 550 00 (Opens in a New Window)info@konstnarsnamnden.se (Opens in a New Window)Annika Björkman
Head of Regional Collaboration, IASPIS
+46 8-506 550 50 (Opens in a New Window)annika.bjorkman@konstnarsnamnden.se (Opens in a New Window)Christer Chytraéus
Coordinator, IASPIS
+46 8-506 550 65 (Opens in a New Window)christer.chytraeus@konstnarsnamnden.se (Opens in a New Window)Magnus Ericson
Head of Applied Arts, IASPIS
+46 8-506 550 53 (Opens in a New Window)magnus.ericson@konstnarsnamnden.se (Opens in a New Window)Lena Malm
Head of Visual Arts, IASPIS
+46 8-506 550 94 (Opens in a New Window)lena.malm@konstnarsnamnden.se (Opens in a New Window)Karolina Pahlén
Senior Adviser – Visual and Applied Arts
+46 8-506 550 55 (Opens in a New Window)karolina.pahlen@konstnarsnamnden.se (Opens in a New Window)News
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Design Aron Kullander-Östling
Konstnärsnämnden, Maria skolgata 83