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Conversation between Pedro Oliviera and Frida Sandström. Photo: IASPIS

Collaborative projects in Sweden aims to promote and facilitate exchanges and strengthen networks between Sweden-based artists and international professionals

IASPIS collaborates with organizations across the country through projects where international professionals (e.g., artists or experts) are invited to local contexts. Our collaboration should provide a clear added value for artists working in Sweden. IASPIS’ ability to co-finance consists of covering the costs of international professionals, such as travel, accommodation, and participation compensation.

International professionals can, for example, be invited to workshops, residency start-ups, and public events that strengthen international networks and skills development.

  • Proposals for collaborative projects are developed in consultation with the IASPIS office following an initial dialogue. Contact the program manager for more information.


  • Proposals are reviewed and assessed by the IASPIS team and presented to the Head of Departement. Decisions are then made by the Head of Department.

If you want to propose one or have questions about an international collaborative project in Sweden, get in touch