Lotta Törnroth
Artist in residence, Stockholm, 1 May – 25 October, 2023
Lotta Törnroth is an artist based in Stockholm who works with photography, text, sculpture, and watercolor. Her work is inspired by literature, personal stories, and historical events. For several years, Lotta has been obsessed with the catastrophes of the sea and death as the ultimate destination. In staged photographs with long exposure times, she exposes herself to the cold sea, and with the light from a flashlight, she acts as a communicator between the landscape and the viewer.

Photo: Simon Blanck
Lotta Törnroth
At IASPIS, Lotta will work on two projects. One that focuses on grief and the loss of her father, an event that has come to influence her artistic work. The second project is based on the sinking of the ship MV Sewol, near the coast of South Korea in 2014, a disaster that cost several hundred lives.
Törnroth holds a Master’s degree in photography (2014) from Aalto University, School of Arts, Design, and Architecture in Helsinki, as well as a Bachelor’s degree (2012) from the University of Gothenburg’s School of Photography (now HDK Valand) in Gothenburg. After completing her Master’s degree, she received the Hasselblad Foundation’s Victor Fellowship Award and spent six months at ISCP in New York. She has exhibited at various places including Fotogalleriet Hippolyte in Helsinki (2019), Galeria e Bregdetit in Albania (2020), Kalmar Art Museum (2021), and Mörby gård sculpture park in Stockholm (2022). Lotta Törnroth published her first photo book “Att vänta på det oundvikliga: berättelser från havet” in 2014, and has since then published two more books, including the latest one “Imaginära öar” in 2019.