Swedish Arts Grants Committee strengthens this year’s Performing Arts Biennale with international guests
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- Swedish Arts Grants Committee strengthens this year’s Performing Arts Biennale with international guests
This year’s Performing Arts Biennale takes place in Stockholm in collaboration with Dramaten.
This year’s Performing Arts Biennale starts the first week of June in Stockholm, and celebrates 30 years this year. This year’s program includes fourteen selected performances, as well as a large number of workshops and seminars that span the performing arts in the broadest sense.
Several program items have elements of international perspectives, and the Arts Council’s International Program for Theater enters with greater collaboration support this year to strengthen the biennale’s opportunities to invite interesting and up-to-date international guests. Around fifteen guests can thus be invited by Scensverige to be given the opportunity to meet Swedish-based performing artists and the theater industry.
Among others, festival producer Sepehr Sharifzadeh is invited from Iran (living in Brussels), who has started Iran’s first theater agency and an online showcase during the pandemic. He has previously worked as a mime and clown, and is now a member of the European network IETM.
From the USA, several people are invited from The Global Lab, and the business manager and producer Ersian Francois will take part in the seminar “Are we becoming freer from patrons?” where Culture Minister Parisa Liljestrand also participates.
The Global Lab is an artistic and social change operation in Washington that seeks to achieve change through activism, politics and theater and has done a variety of large-scale projects since 2012.
Tina Pettersson
Handläggare teater och film, programansvarig för internationella programmet för teater
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