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National residency at Studio Acusticum in Piteå

For professional artists in the field of music, such as musicians, composers, music producers or conductors. Musicians can use any instrument, including bass, vocals, electronics or ouds.

Hero Bakgrundspattern

The residency grant in Piteå gives you the opportunity to develop and deepen your artistry.

Studio Acusticum in Piteå, Norrbottensmusiken and Region Norrbotten provide human, spatial and technical resources. The Erik Westberg Vocal Ensemble, Norrbotten Big Band, Norrbotten Kammarorkester, Orgel Acusticum, Piteå Kammar- och Kyrkoopera, and Dans i Nord are artistic resources that the applicant may want to collaborate with.

You will also get free access to a furnished residence and work space. During your stay, you will get limited access to Studio Acusticum’s resources.

  • You must be a professional artist in the field of music, such as a musician, composer, music producer or conductor. Musicians can use any instrument, including bass, vocals, electronics or ouds. Music producer refers to a record producer who receives copyright royalties for musical production.

    To be considered a professional artist, you must earn a living entirely or partly from your artistic activities and regularly present your art to an audience or in an artistic context.

    You must be a resident in Sweden or practice most of your art here.

    You can be a foreign citizen and apply for our stipends and grants, but you must be a resident in Sweden or primarily practice your art here. If you are a Swedish citizen but live abroad, you must be able to demonstrate that most of your artistic activity takes place in Sweden.

    You must not be a student for more than 50 per cent of your time when an award decision is made.

    This means being enrolled in any type of studies, from undergraduate studies to doctoral studies and post-graduate education. You can be studying when you submit your application, but when a decision is made you cannot be enrolled for more than 50 per cent for a course or programme.

    You must not owe any unpaid Swedish taxes or fees to the Swedish Enforcement Authority or be declared bankrupt.

    This means that you cannot owe a debt on your Swedish tax account that has been passed on to the enforcement authority. This does not apply to other types of debts or charges from public organisations or private companies.

    You must not have received de minimis aid exceeding a total of 300,000 euros during the last three-year period.

    Stipends and grants from the Swedish Arts Grants Committee are subject to the provisions of the European Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/2031 on state funding, also known as de minimis aid.

  • The application is open once a year. See the application deadlines.

    You apply by logging in to “My pages”.

    In order to submit an application, you need to answer all the questions marked as mandatory in the form and attach work samples and the requested appendices.

    Applications must be submitted by 14.00 CET on the application deadline.

    Work samples are mandatory

    Choose a current audio sample that is representative of you both in terms of quality and repertoire. Examples of audio samples include a live recording, published material or another publicly presented work. It must contain a total of at least 20 minutes of music. Your audio sample must not be older than three years.

    File format: mp3, with at least 320 kbps bitrate and 44.1 kHz sampling rate

    Total length of audio files: at least 20 minutes

    Compressed files should contain metadata information about:

    • artist (group name)
    • album (title published phonograms)
    • song title
    • genre
    • year
    • your role on the sound sample

    Scores: Scores can be uploaded as a multi-page pdf files. Do you work with longer orchestral works, opera e.g. we accept fewer works than three. Be sure to embed all fonts used in the pdf file.

    Restrictions for scores: max number of files 3

    Can I submit my application on paper?

    We recommend using our e-service to submit your application. It makes it easier for you to ensure that your application was registered and it allows you to follow your case via “My pages”.

    Application on paper

  • The grant amount is SEK 40,000 and is tax-free. You also get free access to a furnished home and a work space. During your stay, you have some access to Studio Acusticum’s resources.

  • When we receive your application, we verify that you meet all the formal requirements. Members of the desicion-making group for music will then read your application. The members are practising artists or experts in the field of music. At least two people read each application.  A reference group from Studio Acusticum is also involved in the assessment. The decision is made by the desicion-making group for music.

    If a member has a conflict of interest in relation to an applicant, that member is forbidden from participating in the review process or award decision for that application.

    How is your decision made?

    We select grant recipients based on the quality of artistic activities and the applicant’s financial need. This means that we assess the quality of the work samples and reference material that you submit. At the same time, we make an assessment of your financial need. This can mean, for example, that we do not prioritise an applicant who has a high income or has recently received other grants or stipends.

    In our selection, we aim to distribute the grants to artists in different parts of the country and across a variety of artistic expressions.

    How we avoid conflicts of interest

  • The grant amount is deposited into the private account stated in your application within six weeks of the award decision being announced.

  • The grant is not taxable income. It is also not counted as sickness benefit qualifying income (SGI).

  • Within one month after the end of your residency, you must submit a written report to the Swedish Arts Grants Committee describe how the residency worked out for you and what it meant for your artistic work.

  • If you are awarded a residency grant, you must state in all communications about your residency that it was carried out with the support of the Swedish Arts Grants Committee. Please use the wording “with support from the Swedish Arts Grants Committee”.

    Use the Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s logo in the appropriate contexts.

    How to use our logo

Frequently asked questions about the application