EvaMarie Lindahl
Gästbostad Paris, Svenska Institutet, 31 oktober – 27 november 2024
EvaMarie Lindahl. Artist and researcher, PhD. “I am a visual artist and researcher with a doctoral degree in artistic research and critical animal studies. My art practice includes large-scale graphite drawings as well as text-based performance work. Through my projects, I challenge anthropocentric and patriarchal perspectives by re-writing and envisioning new (art) histories. In my current work, I explore the human-animal dichotomy and confront the human tendency to oppress other animals by utilizing them as resources and materials.”

Foto: Julien Bourgeois
Svenska Institutet, Paris
“My reason for this month-long residency in Paris is the French artist and animal painter Rosa Bonheur. For several years, I have been fascinated by her ability to depict non-human animals, as can be seen in my own artworks and doctoral thesis, where Bonheur has functioned as a colleague across time. During my stay I will visit the original works of Bonheur at museums such as the Musée d’Orsay, Musée des Beaux-Arts, and Château Musée Bonheur as well as draw and write my way closer to her history.”