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Välkommen till en presentation och samtal om arkitektur, stadsutveckling och kulturarv med den brasilianske arkitekten João Felipe Wallig. Inledning och samtal med Roberta Burchardt och Magnus Ericson.
Med utgångspunkt i processen att utveckla en kulturarvsklassad byggnad i Porto Alegre till ett dynamiskt kulturellt, pedagogiskt och kreativt centrum, kommer denna presentation och konversation att diskutera föreställningar om kulturarv i relation till stadsutveckling. Vad ser vi som ”kulturarv” och vad betyder ”bevarande”? Hur kan konstnärlig praktik engagera sig i att skapa alternativa förståelser och plats för praktik och hur kan detta bidra till förändring i stadsförvandlingssammanhang? Vilka möjligheter, utmaningar och risker finns det?
Vila Flores. Foto: Carolina Jaco
Vila Flores ligger i det fjärde distriktet i Porto Alegre, ett före detta viktigt industriellt och kommersiellt område i staden, som nu håller på att förfalla, överges och bli en plats för spekulation i fastigheter. Sedan 2013 har en grupp människor förvandlat den 2 200 kvadratmeter stora byggnaden till ett dynamiskt kulturellt, pedagogiskt och kreativt centrum. Initiativet främjar rehabiliteringen av regionen genom kulturaktiviteter och skapandet av en arbetsplats för konstnärer och sociala entreprenörer. Syftet med detta tvärvetenskapliga nav är att främja en kreativ gemenskap som stärker grannskapet och förbinder medborgare med varandra, och utmanar utopin om samhällsvitalitet och stadsförnyelsemedvetande i Brasilien.
Läs mer om evenemanget nedan på engelska.
Vila Flores: Practising cultural heritage and urban transformation in Brazil
Date: Thursday 9 February 2023
Time: 5.30 – 7.00 pm (CET)
Place: IASPIS/Konstnärsnämnden and online
Address: Maria Skolgata 83, Stockholm
Language: English
Free admission, no reservation needed
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Welcome to a presentation and conversation about architecture, urban development and cultural heritage with Brazilian architect João Felipe Wallig. Introduction and conversation with Roberta Burchardt and Magnus Ericson.
Starting from the process of developing an architectural cultural heritage complex in Porto Alegre into a dynamic cultural, educational and creative centre, this presentation and conversation will discuss notions of cultural heritage in relation to urban transformation. What do we consider “cultural heritage” and what does “preservation” mean? How can artistic practice engage in creating alternative understandings and spaces for practise and how can this contribute to change in urban transformation? What are the opportunities, challenges and risks?
Vila Flores is located in the 4th District of Porto Alegre, a former important industrial and commercial area within the city, now in process of degradation, abandonment and real estate speculation. Since 2013 a diverse group of people has transformed the 2 200 square metre space into a dynamic cultural, educational and creative centre. The initiative promotes the rehabilitation of the region through cultural activities and the creation of a workspace for artists and social entrepreneurs. Managed by a non profit association in partnership with the landlords and tenants Vila Flores has been the place for more than 100 different initiatives that have circled throughout the 10 years of its existence, transforming little by little this multidisciplinary space into a living organism with shared values and practices for a more human, sustainable and collaborative society. The aim of this multidisciplinary hub is to foster a creative community that empowers the neighbourhood and connects citizens with each other, challenging the utopia of community vitality and urban regeneration consciousness in Brazil.
João Felipe Wallig is an architect and urban planner from Brazil interested in participative multidisciplinary works that relate the process of architecture with pedagogical practices. His recent research involves the preservation of cultural heritage buildings with educational and experimental practices on restoration work sites. Currently living in the city of Porto Alegre he is responsible for the architectural projects of Centro Cultural Vila Flores which is a cultural center based in a built heritage listed in the city; Sementes do Plástico which is a recycling workshop inspired by the precious plastic methodology managed by young residents from a poor community; and the first Museum of Hip Hop in Latin America promoted by an non-profit cultural association. These works gather professionals from different areas, causing a crossing in the conventional practice of architecture and urbanism to achieve their social purpose.
Roberta Burchardt is a Brazilian researcher, practitioner and writer. Her work is a narrative, an attempt to reach the ritual, what remains of an engagement, a certain sensitivity that can go unseen. Her language meshes architecture, visual arts and crafts, with a poetic, literary, philosophical, autoethnographic and decolonial grounds. The practice is embedded in the historic Luso-Brazilian Sobrado house, southern Brazil, confronting and engaging its colonial heritage via notions of atmosphere, ownership, private and public, vernacular and contemporary, emancipation and meaningfulness. Roberta Burchardt is currently PhD candidate HGK FHNW, Basel, Switzerland; tutor Decolonizing Architecture, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm; guest senior lecturer Research Lab, Konstfack, Stockholm.