The Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s Grand Music Award is given to Hans Ek
© Foto Anna Dvrnik
2021-06-16As the first recipient of the Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s Grand Music Award of SEK 300,000, the agency has chosen to notice the arranger, composer and conductor Hans Ek from Uppsala, with the motivation: “… for his music art – a passionate melting pot of unexpected encounters, historic resonance and unique soundscapes. Hans is a musical bridge-builder who creates new, solid pathways internationally and artistically.”
In the film portrait, he talks about his driving forces and the choices that have led to the art he creates, through the music and in the meeting with the audience.
Via this link you will find the film portrait (16 min):
Meet the arranger, composer and conductor Hans Ek
The portrait is produced by Wanglerkultur and their staff; Jonas Rudström (film photographer), Kent Vågesjö (editor), Petra Markgren Wangler (producer), Annika Brandt (translator) and Martina Nordkvist (Swedish text)
Press contact: Sara Henrikson –
Sara Henrikson – SMAK PRoduktion
Contact person Swedish Arts Grants Committee:
Hasse Lindgren
Contact person Hans Ek:
Håkan Ekman – On a Boat Productions